maandag 12 juli 2010

The big meaning of love (to my mom made by me)

Did you ever had that feeling when you see a person that your heart will jump out your chest? It’s weird but that is what they call falling for that person…

As I have said before Love is a big word but still love is the greatest thing in the world that can happen to someone! all differents types of love specially the love for your child..

the child you carried for 9 months in you

the child you was so exited about from the moment you first heard his heart beat

you was even more exited about at the moment you felt it for the very first time kicking in you

In that 9 months you totally fell in love with your own child and you even loved it more the moment you first saw it and heard it cry that is the biggest love a human being can feel

There is no bigger love than a mother can love her child, the child she carried for 9 months in her

A mother never stop loving her child no matter what the child did

If the mother can’t take care of her child and she need to give it away even than she still love it, because all the things a mother do is for the goodness of her child even the bad things

There are just two things a mother want for her child, she want her child to be happy and healthy

We as children can’t understand that kind of love,

But one day, the day we are going to be a mother on our own

we will understand the big meaning of LOVE!!!

mom I finally understand some things you do and I just wanted to tell that I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!


your daughter D.

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