maandag 22 augustus 2011


You were the one who get me trough
You were the one who gave me a helped hand
You were the one who showed me love
You were the one who was there for me
You were the one who let me smile
You were the one who loved me for who I am
Oh baby you are it all
Baby you are the one I want, the one I love, the one I need
Baby you are the one for me

Memories all over my head it's just about you and me no one else
No worries, No fights just you and me and the greatest thing in the world...OUR LOVE

Baby I am gonna miss you with all my heart, miss hearing your voice, miss your kiss, your touch, your smell, I am gonna miss it all
But this is not the end, not our end
I know it, I feel it
Say I'm crazy but one thing never betray me...MY INSTICT
This love wasn't just a summer romance it was more than that, who knows one day a future
My point is to say how much I love you with all my heart
It's better so and time will show what it will bring us!

I never say never I know that's real love not just a simple summer romance it was more than that
It still is!
It's our love, our passion!!!

Oh baby you are the one I want, the one I love, the one I need
Baby you are the one for me

No more tears we are not done yet just a break how you said so
I want that you will be fine and knowing that I am here for you no matter what no matter the time I am here for you
Whenever you need me I an just a call or message away, I dont want you to lose that beautiful smile, the smile I love
We will meet again it's a DARE and a PROMISE
I will miss you with all my heart
We will be fine both, my love for you will not chance for a long long time, you chanced a few facts in my life and I like it
Baby I love you with all my heart and I am always here for you

zondag 13 februari 2011

can't express my feelings!

I'm at home sitting in the livingroom thinking about everything what has happend in my life and I can't write about it I don't wanna talk about it! Why everyone is pushing me to contact a therapist to start talking about everything? Don't you just get in I wanna live my life my way without talking about my problems! It's everything around me my parent's my own life I hate it all this moment!!! I can't do this anymore but I don't wanna talk cause there are some stuff I don't wanna remember anymore....Life is hard and difficult but I guess some day it will be alright!
but now I dont know what to write anymore! i have so many stuff on my mind that I can't express in words!

zaterdag 30 oktober 2010

something I just was thinking about!

there are so many people in the world who are hidding the real them! It is wrong! we all know the famous story of cinderella but that is just a fairytale they say, the truth is our life is a farytale its our own fairytale and you are the writer of it.
So you must write the truth not just about people around you but more important about yourself.
we can pretent that we are somebody else but some day its gonna come out. you should be proud of yourself of the real you. everyone has his own dreams and everyone should try to make them come out. so take off that mask stop hidding yourself for the real world and face the truth, the real you. Because everyone is special in his own way and you all should be proud of it!
We dont need that second person in our life to tell us that we are special we just need to look in the mirror to tell it to our self and believe in it have some faith in yourself and all the other stuff will get his place in your life on his own.!
you just need to find that strength to believe and have faith in yourself if you can do that you can do anything!

dinsdag 31 augustus 2010


It was hard to say goodbye!
Not a goodbye for always, but I knew it was a longtime goodbye!
Oh god I'm gonna miss you all!
I thought it would be easier this time but the truth is there is no goodbye that is easy!
Every single goodbye is difficult in her own way!
I didn't cry, I didn't let tears fall down not even my eyes were wet but inside me it was a chaos!!
My life is still a mess but I'm trying, trying to get my life back in rails! Trying to survive!
That chaos is still here and I know that's gonna be there a long time. But I will do this on my own, I will show them what I'm able to do! No one can mess anylonger with me!
I'm done with it, it's time to get my life back on rails. It's time to show the real me, time to let them know I'm here!
It's my time!

woensdag 25 augustus 2010

domestic violence

The most people dont like to talk about domestic violence so you think you are the only one who has to do with it. But domestic violence is unfortunately far too common. You're not alone!
Maybe you dont want to admit it that you are a victim of domestic violence, maybe you just hope that it's gonna stop and that is was the last time. Or maybe you just think it's your own fault, as victim from demistic violence you always try to talk it good but it his fault not yours!
He is the one who has a problem, he should change and make you trust him again!
In a marriage there are two people wrong, there need two people to fix it and two people to ruin it! But as victim from domestic violence you are not the one who is wrong!!! Dont ever forget that it isnt your fault.
Domestic violence you cant avoid it but you can stop it!
If you know someone who is victim or you are self victim of it do something and dont wait any longer because how longer you wait you are gonna sink deeper and deeper in the shit!
You'r only wrong if you stay in it, you cant do anything while your there you only can stop it by leaving... it hurts to leave everything behind you, to just turn you back on it and trying to forget it! But it's the only way to survive...
If there are children in the marriage and you just take them and leave he can indicate you, but as a women who is victim from domestic violence you stay strong and he he the one who is wrong, you are the mother of the child(ren) and if you are be able to take care and educate them there is no judge who is going to say you should have them with you. You just need to divorce and in the most cases the mother takes the guardianship of the child(ren), only if the mother cant take care of them or is sick and someone else need to take care of them than the father takes the guardianship of the child(ren) or if he isnt be able too than they go to foster care.
But anyway that is not the subject I was talking about. So about domestic violence again.
I knew a family who were victims of domestic violence, they were afraid to express their feelings, afraid to have their own opinion, they were living years after years in fear. Till the moment the mother decided to choose for herself and her children, they packed their stuff and left their father/husband.
The hardest thing they ever did was that, but sometimes to survive and for the welness of your family you need to do some difficult and hard things. Sometimes you need to start over again from zero with nothing else than each other and survive together! It's you guys against the world! You are not alone in this, you have people around you, people their care about you! I know you have the feeling that no one understands you but that is wrong there are more people in this world which are in the same position as you. Did you know that only 19% from the victims report it? They are so afraid for the rights system that they cant help them or just give some advice but they dont stop the violence.
As mother the first thing you want to take care off is the welness of your child(ren), to give them a safe place to grow up, to be the person for them they could trust in everything!! A mother always do the best for the welness for her child(ren) even if it doesnt work out like the way she planned she always try to make it work. And sooner or later that one strong indepented woman makes the difference for her children, because she wasnt anymore the weak one who was dependet from everyone else except herself! A woman needs to trust and believe in her self in her feeling and her own intuition, a man dont have that strong feeling like a woman and a woman has it she just need to use it right!
anyway write tomorrow or any other day soon again more about domestic violence, problems in marriage etc

woensdag 28 juli 2010


Een persoon waar ik veel om geef en veel heeft moeten doorstaan kondigde me aan dat ze gaat trouwen dus bij deze gelegenheid wil ik het over trouwerij hebben!

Trouwen kan altijd op welke leeeftijd je ook bent kan altijd nog bestaat geen leeftijdgrens net zo als echte liefde die kend ook geen leeftijd! ;)
of je nou 1x trouwt of 6x het is en blijft een feest!
zodra ik aan bruiloften denk zie ik al alles helemaal voor me taart zoeken bruidsjurk passen muziek zoeken zaal huren en alles er op en er aaaaan niks Jolanda en Wesley neee ik kan miss niet veel geld in stoppen maar met weinig geld kan ook super leuk worden! het enige recept is mensen om wie je geeft en om je geven erbij en voila klaaar feeest kan beginnen of trouwerij nou in toscane is of gemeente huis, er word getrouwt en komt feest erna! er bestaat geen perfecte bruiloft het perfecte ervan is dat jij diegene die trouwt de mensen om wie je geeft om je heen hebt!

vrijdag 23 juli 2010

shopping therapy - shopaholic

I was thinking for hours what to write on my blog because i didnt had inspiration.
while I was thinking about what topic I could write,
I also was talking to my friend about tomorrow, our shopping day.
So I just came to the conclusion I should write about that!
Our plan was to go last week but yeah the night before we were at the clubs dancing and having fun.
But going to bed at 4o'clock and stand up at 6.00am to get the bus at 6.30am isn't such a good idea!
Tonight we're going to bed early stand up earlier and prepare us for a great day!
Some people call it shopping therapy, and I must confess I do also.
In my article ill explain why i named it shopping therapy :)
And not only about shopping therapy because if you have to much shopping therapy it doesn't
help anymore than you'll become an shopaholic so sit down and enjoy reading!!!

Many people especially women have some days they don't feel well,
there are a lot of reasons, some went wrong at work, had a fight with your friend/husband/boyfriend or just having a bad day!
Now girls someone invent the shopping therapy! Yeah now I am talking your language girls!
Not feeling well but you're in a amazing department store with your credit card just trying new clothes on seeing al those new collections make you feel a lot better,
the truth is that shopping doesn't really help it's just an escape from the reality for a while.
Shopping is nice and every girl love to do it, even if you have no money just walking into the shops see those colors the new stuff en fashion is making the world a better place, isn't that the thoughts you make walking into a shop? Yeah I thought so!!
Anyway, shopping is nice make you feel good and forget your problems for a while that is the reason we call it therapy, but what happens if you make shopping an obsession just to feel better? You become a shopaholic! That is exactly what I want to talk about now!

''Rebecca Bloomwood is a shopping addict who lives with her best friend Suze. Currently, she works as a journalist for a gardening magazine but dreams to join the fashion magazine Alette. One day, she secures an interview with the magazine. On the way to the interview, she sees a green scarf and decides to buy it. Her credit card is declined, so Rebecca races to the nearest hot dog stand, offering to buy all the hot dogs if the seller gives her back change in cash and saying it is a gift for her sick aunt. Finally a man offers her $20. When Rebecca gets to the interview she's told that someone has got the position, but by joining another magazine, she might make it to Alette. The receptionist tells her there is a position in the magazine "Successful Savings".
When she interviews with Luke Brandon, the editor of Successful Savings, she realizes he is the manwho loaned her $20. While he talks on the phone, she hides her scarf outside his office. The interview doesn't go well and she tries to distract him without success. Luke's assistant comes into the room and tells Rebecca that she dropped her scarf. Rebecca knows her game is up and leaves.
She and Suze write drunken letters to Alette and Successful Saving, but she sends each to the wrong magazine. Nevertheless, Luke Brandon hires her. Rather than completing a work assignment, she goes to a clothing sale. While examining some cashmere gloves, she realizes that the gloves are not fully cashmere, and gives her inspiration for her column, calling herself "the Girl in the Green Scarf." The column is an instant success worldwide. Meanwhile, Rebecca tells everyone that her debt collector, Derek Smeath, is her stalker. Luke invites her to a conference and a ball. In the conference, she impresses a couple of CEOs who promise to give advertisement contracts to Successful Savings. At a restaurant Alicia, asks Luke to the ball, leaving Rebecca feeling dejected.
Rebecca returns home to confrontations with Derek Smeath, so Suze makes her join Shopaholics Anonymous. The class leader, Miss Korch, forces her to donate all the clothes she just bought, including her bridesmaid's dress for Suze's wedding and a dress for a TV interview. She offers to buy back both dresses from the charity store, but can only afford one, and buys the TV interview dress. During her live TV interview, Rebecca is publicly accused of not paying her debts by Smeath, and loses her job. Suze is angry when she finds out that Rebecca sold her bridesmaid dress.
Rebecca is then at her parents house when Alette herself appears to offer her a position at the magazine. While this had been Rebecca's dream, she declines, thinking this would be another mistake. She then sells most of her clothes to pay off her debts. Meanwhile, Luke rejects the offer for his own magazine and opens up a new company, Brandon Communications.
Rebecca's sale is a success, making it possible for her to pay her debts. Rebecca then gives her payment to her credit collector Derek Smeath. Rebecca attends Suze's wedding, after reclaiming her bridesmaid dress from the woman who had gotten it from the store. Suze forgives her. Rebecca and Luke meet again, and Luke returns the green scarf after revealing that he was the person who had bought it as the auction. Rebecca ends up working for Luke's new magazine and being in a relationship with him.''

But that is just a movie! In real life things like that don't happen! The point is that she became an shopaholic,
the movie is about how she get out of that situation and not how she get herself into it!
I guess every women has deep in her a shopaholic, but the thing is to keep it inside!
The moment youre shopping you really feel great maybe the days after too but in a while youll feel down again and so start shopping to get back that great feeling.

Ok celebrities they have personal shoppers but that isn’t a nice work believe me,
I know it's sounds great to be all day into department stores go with your (celebrity) boss to party's buy the most expensive and fabulous clothes,
but with the time it's getting bored to be all day in department stores to find that amazing dress your boss wants to wear at the garden party,
it sounds stupid but really there are some celebrities who really do that.
Why not just wearing your jeans? It's not a premiere! Anyway that is not the subject we were talking about will leave it for next time this one ''spoiled Celebrities''
I like that for my next article!!
An hour ago I was nagging I had no inspiration and look what I wrote now!
I hope you enjoyed my article and if you have some ideas for an article just leave a note and tell me!
I really enjoy writing for you guys!